Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Challenges and Strategies Improving Performance

Question: Discuss about the Challenges and Strategies for Improving Performance. Answer: Introduction The human resource management plays the most significant role in an organisation. Managing diversity is one of the most essential responsibilities that have to be maintained by the human resource management (Stone, 2013). When people from different background gather together to perform the organisational functionalities, the diversity becomes the major concerns for the management. CERA, one of the renowned multinational companies, sells the sanitaryware, faucets, wellness, tiles, and bathroom accessories. This multinational company deals with the associates who belong to the diversified cultural background. Therefore, the human resource management of CERA requires concentrating on the welfare of the people who are aligned together to accomplish the business goals. It is sometimes noticed that due to the cultural diversity, the employees face the significant challenges to cope with the other associates (Martn Alczar, Miguel Romero Fernndez Snchez Gardey, 2013). Moreover, the differences in work attribute, languages, and cultural values are sometimes creating the situational crisis. On the other hand, the collaboration of the diverse cultural beliefs helps in introducing the innovative business procedures that are essential for sustaining the organisational position (Ulrich, 2013). The study will provide the detailed analysis of the roles and responsibilities of human resource management for managing diversity at the workplace. Rationale of Business Diversity Management in CERA The case study provides the information about the specific issues that the company have been facing with their workforces. It is noted that in order to bring more innovations in the business process, the leaders have decided to keep the focus on the effective human resource management practices. It is suggested that if the company can concentrate on selecting and recruiting the right people, it would be beneficial for the company to bring more innovations (Cheruvelil et al., 2014). When the efficient workers would assimilate together, the collaboration of their different innovative business procedures would add values to the business functionalities. However, undertaking such initiative is not easy since there is the question of diversity management. Company is much focused on recruiting the suitable, smarter, and right people. Therefore, there is the question if the other people are left behind. The management is concerned about the diverse group that can perform well and accomplish the business goals. The selection and recruitment process will be sensitive to the individual differences (Agrawal, 2012). The process is somewhat ignoring the reinforcements of homogeneity. The gender diversification is thus considered as the major issue in such contexts. However, the human resource management needs to pay the attention on such diversification issues occurred in the business environment. The study will thus discuss the significance of the gender diversification at workplace. Moreover, the study will shed lights on resolving the issues specified in the case study. The efficient human resource management practices will be much helpful in mitigating the probable risks that may occur due to the workplace diversification. Justification of the Rationale The company is much interested in accomplishing the business goals with the proper innovation process in this current competitive business scenario. The management team has recognised that the human resource management practices need more improvisations in the selection and recruitment process. While recruiting people, the management is much concerned about the diverse group of people who can help the management to accomplish the organisational goals (D'Netto et al., 2014). However, if the company needs to bring more innovations in the business process, it will be better to focus on merits and capabilities. The case study highlights that the management is focusing on the diverse group, size, and business size. The company is trying to improve the selection and recruitment process based on the merits and suitability to the business goals. However, the company needs to keep the concentration on providing the equal opportunities to other employees as well. The employees need to receive proper training that can enhance their knowledge and lead them towards success (Ali, Ng Kulik, 2014). Experiences and efficiency of the employees is also necessary in such cases. However, focusing on this argument, it is necessary to explore the conceptual analysis of diversity management. Necessity of Diversity Management in Organisational Performance The multinational companies are associated with the people who belong to diversified cultural and demographic background. Workforce diversity is essential for managing the diversified scenario within an organisation. The workplace diversity has become one of the integral parts in this current globalised business market (Barak, 2013). The establishment of the workplace diversity helps in managing the interpersonal skills among the associated people from different cultural and demographic background. Moreover, it is also noticed that the diversity management helps in bringing more innovations in the business procedures. The innovative knowledge of the employees helps in gaining more profitability in this competitive scenario. However, the workplaces even face several conflicts due to the differences in the work cultures. The human resource management plays the most significant role in managing the workplace diversity and resolving the emerging conflicts. Impact of Gender Diversity Each of the workplace needs to consider the equal rights provided to both the males and female employees. Gender diversity is one of the major concerns that create the significant impacts on the organisational functionalities (Strachan, French Burgess, 2014). It is evident that gender diversity helps in enhancing the overall organisational performance. It is noted that the females have the greater analytical skills and coordinating capabilities, which help in shaping the values of the organisation (Christensen Schneider, 2015). Moreover, the experience candidates can understand the business process more significantly. Mark French has decided to employ the candidates who can bring more innovations to the organisational process. The findings derived from McKinseys Global Institute study indicate that the lack of gender diversity is greater likelihood of below par performance in many countries like UK, US, Canada, and Latin America (, 2016). In fact, it is suggested that the companies, which are promoting the gender diversity is more successful in this current time. Model of Diversity Management at Workplace Many of the workplaces face issues with the diversity management process. It is noted that the organisations need to pay attention on several concerned areas in the diversified scenario (Alvesson, Krreman Sullivan, 2015). The diversity model is thus developed to identify those areas of concerns. The issues are described further: Acceptance and Commitments of the Organisation The initial stage for the organisation is to identify the determined goals and the commitments of achieving those objectives. The top management the company decides the goals for structuring the business functionalities (De Cieri Kramar, 2014). Moreover, the top management needs to maintain the responsibility to communicate the goals with the associated members. The supportive sand ethical manner of the management is also much essential for describing diversity within the workplace. It generates the idea about the commitment level of the associated employees to promote the diversity at the workplace. Understanding the concept of diversity and attributes of the sub-populations The next step is suggesting the training and development procedures for spreading awareness among the associated members. It is one of the most effective ways of promoting workplace diversity (D'Netto et al., 2014). The members need to gain knowledge about the race, gender culture, and ethnicity. In addition to this, they need to know about working with the people who are from diverse background. Therefore, the training and development session would be much useful. This awareness training requires some of the useful techniques that will be effective enough to generate the ideas about the participants experiences. Work Style and Motivation The management needs to pay the attention towards motivating the employees and making them committed towards their works. In this current scenario, the business functionalities have undergone the drastic changes (Harvey Allard, 2015). The employees need proper guidance and motivation to adopt the changing scenario. Hence, the management requires concentrating on the proper employee welfare process that will be beneficial enough in accomplishing the business goals. Workplace Diversification in the 21st Century In this modernised world, the demands of the customers are changing drastically. Therefore, the companies are forced to adopt diversified method of business operations that can satisfy the needs and demands of the customers. The top management of the company needs to restructure the business functionalities accordingly (Doherty, 2015). The emergence of the multinational companies is also gathering the people from diverse cultural and demographic background. The employees from diversified cultural background are working together to meet the organisational goals. Many of the expatriates bring the innovative skills to strengthen the organisational position in this 21st century (Guillaume et al., 2015). Therefore, it is necessary to establish the workplace diversity, which introduces the innovative ideas for the long-term sustainability. It is important to note that the effective human resource management practices and enormous supports from the top management is essential for establishi ng this workplace diversity. Diversity Management Policies The article, Human Resource Diversity Management Practices is identifying the approaches of HR management towards maintaining the workplace diversity (Kramar et al., 2014). In order to establish the workplace diversity, the Australian business departments have introduced an approach named logistic compliance (Kramar et al., 2014). This initiative does not refer that the diversity management is a method of achieving competitive advantage. It is noted that the manufacturing companies in Australia has not provided the essential importance to the workplace diversity aspects. For example, the issues with the absenteeism, workplace ethics, and low turnover rate are not properly addressed. Therefore, it is essential to concentrate on the beneficial policies that are establishing workplace diversity within an organisational scenario (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013). However, there are some of the necessary areas that the human resource management needs to pay the attention on and these areas are described further: The human resource planning on selection and recruitment process In the human resource planning, the recruitment and selection process is interconnected. It is to be indicated that the human resource management planning is the integral part of structuring the organisational functionalities. Selecting the right people for the company is the major motto for each of the organisations (De Cieri Kramar, 2014). However, before recruiting the candidates, it is necessary for the human resource management to understand the needs and requirements of the business. The identification of the requirement helps in recognising the suitability and the eligibility of the people for performing the organisational activities (Barak, 2013). Therefore, it is essential for the human resource management to restructure the organisational practices and associate the eligible people to accomplish the business goals. Applying the Policies in the Organisation Some of the human resource management practices are effective enough in applying the policies in the organisation. The various internal sources of recruitment process are needed to be taken into consideration. For example, the employee referral, internal job posting, and promotions help in internal recruitment procedures. On the other hand, campus recruitment, public employment, direct application, and employment exchanges are some of the external recruitment process that the company can utilise (Strachan, French Burgess, 2014). The positive brand image establishes the business reputation in a significant way. It helps the candidates to apply for the job through the facilities of walk-in-interview process (Christensen Schneider, 2015). Following such methods, the human resource management can implement the better recruitment and selection process for the company. However, this description of the workplace diversification would be helpful enough in presenting the suitable arguments for Mark French. Recommendations for Mark French The above description is focusing on the detailed analysis based on the importance of workplace diversity. It has already mentioned that the management of CERA is planning to bring more innovations in the business process. Therefore, it is necessary to select and recruit the right people for the business. However, after recognising the necessity of the gender diversification and the merit based skills, it can be suggested that Mr. Mark French requires concentrating on the recruitment and selection process more precisely. If the company would be able to conduct the behavioural survey among the candidates, it would be beneficial enough in understanding the suitability of the candidate in performing the tasks. Therefore, it can be argued that merit based recruitment is not enough to bring innovations. The improvement of the recruitment quality, establishment of the proper infrastructure and association of the knowledgeable people are also required to facilitate the innovative business f unctions. If the company can fulfil such standardised recruitment and selection process, it would be beneficial to establish the workplace diversity and bring more innovative approaches. Conclusion The study is focusing on the diversity management in CERA. It is noted that Mr. Mark French is concentrating on improving the human resource management practices. the major focus was in selecting and recruiting the right people from the diverse group. However, the conceptual analysis of workplace diversity is highlighting that merit based recruitment is not enough to bring innovations to the business process. It is essential to improve the selection and recruitment standards for the candidates. Therefore, the study identifies the necessity of workplace diversity by focusing mainly on gender diversity. After recognising the importance, it can be concluded that the improvisation of the recruitment and selection process can be facilitated by providing the proper standards of employee recruitment process. The human resource management needs to bring improvements in their internal and external recruitment process more specifically. References Agrawal, V. (2012). Managing the diversified team: challenges and strategies for improving performance.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(7/8), 384-400. Ali, M., Ng, Y. L., Kulik, C. T. (2014). 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