Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Research in Motion Limited (Rim) Strategic Analysis

Table of Content Page Acknowledgement 3 Executive Summary 4 Project Outline 5 Industry Life Cycle 7 Key Success Factor (KSF) 8 Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) 10 SWOT Analysis Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) 13 External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) 15 Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) 17 TOWS Matrix 19 Assessment of Current Company’s Performance 22 Review of Option for Future Direction 24 Recommendation for Implementation of strategies 25 The Usefulness of Strategies Management Models 27 List of reference 29 (Total word count: 4,093 words)†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the reason why I’m selecting this company is that I want to learn about its strategies in the past and in today’s market. Main strategic issues facing the company †¢ Product Portfolio Currently the major strategic issues facing RIM is their relatively weak product portfolio. The recent entry in to the smartphone market by Apple, Google, Dell and HP has forced RIM to ensure their product position in future through patents and licenses that will allow them to compete and sell. However, RIM must diversify their product portfolio which led them to improve their existing products. Company’s contribution to the National Economy BlackBerry mobile handset shipments to the United States were recorded nearly 6% annual growth up from 39.8 million in 2007 to 41.9 million in 2008. The Blackberry maker’s US market share rose to a record 11% in 2009 which is another sign that smartphone is another big thing in our pockets. *Recent strategic dilemma †¢ Ad supported software One of the opportunities of BlackBerry that bringing them to such dilemma is to create ad supported software. This new product would advertise the firms as customers, while the end-customer would receive the value added software with the occasional ads cost. Recent strategic choice †¢ International expansion As BlackBerry found itself under pressure from high profile competitors,Show MoreRelatedResearch in Motion Limited (Rim) Strategic Analysis3396 Words   |  14 Pages Page Acknowledgement 3 Executive Summary 4 Project Outline 5 Industry Life Cycle 7 Key Success Factor (KSF) 8 Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) 10 SWOT Analysis Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) 13 External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) 15 Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) 17 TOWS Matrix 19 Assessment of Current Company’s Performance 22 Review of Option for Future Direction 24 Recommendation for ImplementationRead MoreBalanced Scorecard - Rim Essay3044 Words   |  13 PagesResearch In Motion: A Balanced Scorecard Analysis Contents Company Profile 3 Recent Accomplishments 4 Recent Problems 5 Competition and Market Status 6 Implementation of Planning Process 8 RIM’s Perspectives 9 Customer Perspective 10 Financial Perspective 10 Learning and Growth Perspective 11 Internal Process Perspective 12 Balanced Scorecard 13 Kaplan and Norton Alternative Strategy Choice 13 References 15 Attachment 1: Five year stock comparison of RIM, Apple,Read MoreStrategic Management Assignment4121 Words   |  17 Pages----------------o0o---------------- INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Research in Motion Ltd. Tutor: Mr. Nguyá »â€¦n Anh Quà ¢n Students: Phá º ¡m Thanh Há º ±ng Má º ­u Minh Tuyá º ¿n VÃ… © Ngá » c Anh Class: Tutorial 3 Course: Strategic Management Date:Read MoreStrategic Management - Pixar - Success4064 Words   |  17 Pages------------------------------------------------- Assignment: Strategic Management and Leadership Table of contents Question 1 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2. External analysis of Pixar Animation Studios 3 1.2.1. Macro environment 3 1.2.2. PESTEL-Analysis 3 Political factors 3 Economic factors 4 Social factors 4 Technological factors 4 Environmental factors 4 Legal factors 4 Conclusion 4 1.3. Internal analysis of Pixar Animation Studios 5 1.3Read MoreResearch Proposal on Apple and Blackberry3086 Words   |  13 PagesResearch Proposal Topic – Brand Leadership : The success story of the two mobile Giants Apple and Research in Motion (RIM) and their rivalry. Table of contents No. Topic Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Research Objective Literature review Research design Bibliography 3. 5. 6. 10. 16. 1. Introduction The history of mobile industry is not long in the past. The first cellular phone was invented by Martin Cooper on April 3, 1973 Martin Cooper with the Motorola Dyna-TAC mobile phone. BeforeRead MoreRim and Its Acquisition Essay2617 Words   |  11 PagesExecutive Summary In early 2002, Chris Wornald, as the director of strategic alliances for RIM, believed the tremendous synergy value offered from the acquisition of Slangsoft and its importance for RIM’s future Asian market. However, after his successful presentation on the deal to senior executives, one piece of archived news on Jerusalem Post got the attention from RIM’s director of legal affairs. The widespread panic and paranoia among Slangsoft employees, unrealized revenue from HP and multipleRead MoreRim Market Analysis5237 Words   |  21 PagesResearch In Motion Rising Louis S. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Is A Scapegoat Of Hassan Rouhanis Government

death sentence, which was handed out last year to Mah-Afarid Khosravi, a businessman linked to a $2.8 billion fraud case (Bozorgmeh, Najmeh). These rare occasions of cases that are brought to court are not part of the effort to fight corruption, but are actually for show. Put on to relieve people’s frustration over their economic difficulties. Despite the fact that these cases are often closed, or the sentences are kept hidden from the public, people are still punished for corruption. Some believe Zanjani is a scapegoat of Hassan Rouhani’s government, which is a supposed crackdown on corruption because the government wants to attract foreign investment. Zanjani’s case could also be a distraction from other corruption cases. Iran’s seemingly closed society is due to the 1979 revolution when Islamic rulers denounced capitalism and pushed for an economy based on an amalgamation of Islamist and socialist ideology. Mousa Ghaninejad, an economist at Iran’ s Petroleum University of Technology said â€Å"We have fallen into an oil trap since 1974, which has increasingly put the economy under state control and keeps creating new rich classes who are linked to oil rents and political power† (Bozorgmeh, Najmeh). Essentially creating a class of oligarchs that operates in the private sector, dependent on the regime’s survival. But the private sector is about 20 % of the economy, which prevents the independent business community from attempting to influence politics (Bozorgmeh, Najmeh).

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Vermont Loving free essay sample

Though I am only seventeen years old and my family has not lived here for generations upon generations, I consider myself a well-worn Vermonter. I was born in the middle of an early November snowstorm. Though I was a newborn, I was already getting acquainted with a place where the weather is volatile and the people have learned not to stop when it makes things tricky. I’ve never moved away from this house where I was born. This is the house where I grew up playing in the mud of summer gardens, catching free-range chickens for slaughtering in the fall, and licking the sap from buckets hanging on maple trees when we’d finally gotten to the other side of winter. I live in a place where people understand the value of a good pair of muck boots and pride themselves on how much they can avoid the big supermarkets by sticking to their homegrown vegetables instead. We will write a custom essay sample on Vermont Loving or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Vermont breeds people who are as unpredictable as its dirt roads in mud season and just as fiercely individual as every snowflake. We are inspired by this place that is in so many ways a living breathing part of each of us. I understand the meaning of community, which is better defined in a place where we still hold town meetings and know the names of every face we pass on the sidewalks. Vermont is my community, and these are my people.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Starch Essays - Starch, Modified Starch, Corn Starch, Dextrin

Starch STARCH Starch is a white, granular, organic chemical that is produced by all green plants. Starch is a soft, white, tasteless powder that is insoluble in cold water, alcohol, or other solvents. The basic chemical formula of the starch molecule is (C6H10O5)n. The simplest form of starch is the linear polymer amylose; amylopectin is the branched form. Starch is manufactured in the green leaves of plants from excess glucose produced during photosynthesis and serves the plant as a reserve food supply. Starch is stored in chloroplasts in the form of granules and in such organs as the roots of the tapioca plant; the tuber of the potato; the stem pith of sago; and the seeds of corn, wheat, and rice. PROGRESS MADE IN DEVELOPMENT: Most starch is used for industrial purposes. Starch is tailor made to meet the requirements of the end-user giving rise to a range of speciality products. Many and sophisticated techniques are applied. A most versatile principle comprises a three step wet modification: Preparation ? Reaction ? Finishing By applying different reaction conditions - temperature, pH, additives - and strict process control speciality products with unique properties are made. These speciality products are named modified starches, because they still retain their original granule form and thereby resemble the native (unmodified) starch in appearance. But the modification has introduced improved qualities in the starch when cooked. The paste may have obtained improved clarity, viscosity, film-forming ability etc. Although native starch does have its industrial uses, most often industry requires the functionality of modified starch. The modification is achieved in one of two ways - either by the starch producer, who modifies the starch without disrupting the granules, or by the end-user who cooks and modifies the starch in a single step operation. The first method results in a granular product good for storage and the other in a ready-to-use paste. The two methods do not always act as a substitute for the other. Crush or grind containing gather the pulp and free the resulting the tubers or seeds ? mix with water ?resulting paste from impurities ?dry THE ENZYME USED TO SYNTHESISE STARCH; Starch molecules are susceptible to the action of amylases. The a-amylases are endo enzymes, hydrolyzing a1, 4-glycosidic in the inner regions of the molecules. Products are of varying size and include oligosaccharides and low molecular weight dextrins. The b-amylases are exo enzymes, splitting unmodified amylose chains into maltose units, beginning at the non-reducing end. Amylolytic enzymes are useful in the conversion of cornstarch to corn syrup. USES: Aside from their basic nutritional uses, starches are used in brewing and as thickening agents in baked goods and confections. Starch is used in paper manufacturing to increase the strength of paper and is also used in the surface sizing of paper. Starch is used in the manufacture of corrugated paperboard, paper bags and boxes, and gummed paper and tape. Large quantities of starch are also used in the textile industry as warp sizing, which imparts strength to the thread during weaving. THE RELATION OF PROPERTIES TO USE: Properties of starch. Surface of starch granules app. 30 ha/g Specific density app. 1.55 g/ml Specific heat 1.22 kJ/g Bulk weight of starch 80% DS app. 0.7 g/ml DS of moist centrifugate app. 0.6 g/ml Brightness (MgO2 = 100%) app. 95 % Starch is abundant. All major agricultural crops contain starch. Colder climates favour potato growing, the tropics cassava, while grain varieties are grown all over the world. With sun and water as the main limitations, fifteen tons of starch dry mater can be achieved per hectare. Modern techniques enable starch to be extracted from agricultural crops with high yield and extreme purity, making starch the most versatile crop used within the food and chemical industries. The starch granule is a compact package of pure glucose polymer. The purity and efficient moisture absorbing properties of starch have made it indispensable in the production of medicinal tablets and as a moisture regulator. Polymer releases from the granule during cooking. At 60 oC, the polymer begins to hydrate, adding its viscosity and gelling power to the water. This is the way puddings are made in the home - just by using native starch. The food industry also employs native starch as a binder and thickening agent in snacks, meat products,