Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Research in Motion Limited (Rim) Strategic Analysis

Table of Content Page Acknowledgement 3 Executive Summary 4 Project Outline 5 Industry Life Cycle 7 Key Success Factor (KSF) 8 Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) 10 SWOT Analysis Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) 13 External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) 15 Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) 17 TOWS Matrix 19 Assessment of Current Company’s Performance 22 Review of Option for Future Direction 24 Recommendation for Implementation of strategies 25 The Usefulness of Strategies Management Models 27 List of reference 29 (Total word count: 4,093 words)†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the reason why I’m selecting this company is that I want to learn about its strategies in the past and in today’s market. Main strategic issues facing the company †¢ Product Portfolio Currently the major strategic issues facing RIM is their relatively weak product portfolio. The recent entry in to the smartphone market by Apple, Google, Dell and HP has forced RIM to ensure their product position in future through patents and licenses that will allow them to compete and sell. However, RIM must diversify their product portfolio which led them to improve their existing products. Company’s contribution to the National Economy BlackBerry mobile handset shipments to the United States were recorded nearly 6% annual growth up from 39.8 million in 2007 to 41.9 million in 2008. The Blackberry maker’s US market share rose to a record 11% in 2009 which is another sign that smartphone is another big thing in our pockets. *Recent strategic dilemma †¢ Ad supported software One of the opportunities of BlackBerry that bringing them to such dilemma is to create ad supported software. This new product would advertise the firms as customers, while the end-customer would receive the value added software with the occasional ads cost. Recent strategic choice †¢ International expansion As BlackBerry found itself under pressure from high profile competitors,Show MoreRelatedResearch in Motion Limited (Rim) Strategic Analysis3396 Words   |  14 Pages Page Acknowledgement 3 Executive Summary 4 Project Outline 5 Industry Life Cycle 7 Key Success Factor (KSF) 8 Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) 10 SWOT Analysis Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) 13 External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) 15 Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) 17 TOWS Matrix 19 Assessment of Current Company’s Performance 22 Review of Option for Future Direction 24 Recommendation for ImplementationRead MoreBalanced Scorecard - Rim Essay3044 Words   |  13 PagesResearch In Motion: A Balanced Scorecard Analysis Contents Company Profile 3 Recent Accomplishments 4 Recent Problems 5 Competition and Market Status 6 Implementation of Planning Process 8 RIM’s Perspectives 9 Customer Perspective 10 Financial Perspective 10 Learning and Growth Perspective 11 Internal Process Perspective 12 Balanced Scorecard 13 Kaplan and Norton Alternative Strategy Choice 13 References 15 Attachment 1: Five year stock comparison of RIM, Apple,Read MoreStrategic Management Assignment4121 Words   |  17 Pages----------------o0o---------------- INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Research in Motion Ltd. Tutor: Mr. Nguyá »â€¦n Anh Quà ¢n Students: Phá º ¡m Thanh Há º ±ng Má º ­u Minh Tuyá º ¿n VÃ… © Ngá » c Anh Class: Tutorial 3 Course: Strategic Management Date:Read MoreStrategic Management - Pixar - Success4064 Words   |  17 Pages------------------------------------------------- Assignment: Strategic Management and Leadership Table of contents Question 1 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2. External analysis of Pixar Animation Studios 3 1.2.1. Macro environment 3 1.2.2. PESTEL-Analysis 3 Political factors 3 Economic factors 4 Social factors 4 Technological factors 4 Environmental factors 4 Legal factors 4 Conclusion 4 1.3. Internal analysis of Pixar Animation Studios 5 1.3Read MoreResearch Proposal on Apple and Blackberry3086 Words   |  13 PagesResearch Proposal Topic – Brand Leadership : The success story of the two mobile Giants Apple and Research in Motion (RIM) and their rivalry. Table of contents No. Topic Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Research Objective Literature review Research design Bibliography 3. 5. 6. 10. 16. 1. Introduction The history of mobile industry is not long in the past. The first cellular phone was invented by Martin Cooper on April 3, 1973 Martin Cooper with the Motorola Dyna-TAC mobile phone. BeforeRead MoreRim and Its Acquisition Essay2617 Words   |  11 PagesExecutive Summary In early 2002, Chris Wornald, as the director of strategic alliances for RIM, believed the tremendous synergy value offered from the acquisition of Slangsoft and its importance for RIM’s future Asian market. However, after his successful presentation on the deal to senior executives, one piece of archived news on Jerusalem Post got the attention from RIM’s director of legal affairs. The widespread panic and paranoia among Slangsoft employees, unrealized revenue from HP and multipleRead MoreRim Market Analysis5237 Words   |  21 PagesResearch In Motion Rising Louis S. Latimer MGMT530 – Marketing Strategies May 6, 2012 Deb Stockman Southwestern College Professional Studies Table of Content I. Executive Summary 3 II. Situation Analysis 4 a. Internal Environment 7 b. Customer Environment 13 c. External Environment 16 III. SWOT 19 IV. Marketing Goals and Objectives 21 V. Marketing Strategy 22 VI. Product Strategy 23 a. Core competencyRead More235004421 Blackberry Pest Analysis2259 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿BlackBerry Limited, formerly known as Research In Motion Limited (RIM),[3][4] is a Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company best known to the general public as the developer of the BlackBerry brand of smartphones and tablets, but also well known worldwide as a provider of secure high reliability software for industrial applications and Mobile Device Management (MDM). BlackBerrys software and hardware products are used worldwide by various governments agencies and by car makersRead MoreRim Case Essay5281 Words   |  22 PagesResearch in Motion: Managing Explosive Growth January 20, 2013 Words Count: 4,590 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Identification 4 Analysis and evaluation 4 External Analysis 4 Competitive environment 4 PESTE analysis 5 Industry Key Success Factors 6 Five Forces Analysis 7 Implications 8 Internal Analysis 8 Financial Analysis 8 SWOT Analysis 9 Corporate and Functional strategies 10 Discussion of alternatives and key decision criteria 11 RecommendationsRead MoreIntroduction And Analysis Of Blackberry Environment1799 Words   |  8 Pages Introduction Analysis of Blackberry Environment Blackberry has been founded in 1984 and based in waterloo, Ontario, which also knows as research in motion limited (RIM). Blackberry is manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications (Blackberry, 2015). A software based company that develop platforms and solution to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Is A Scapegoat Of Hassan Rouhanis Government

death sentence, which was handed out last year to Mah-Afarid Khosravi, a businessman linked to a $2.8 billion fraud case (Bozorgmeh, Najmeh). These rare occasions of cases that are brought to court are not part of the effort to fight corruption, but are actually for show. Put on to relieve people’s frustration over their economic difficulties. Despite the fact that these cases are often closed, or the sentences are kept hidden from the public, people are still punished for corruption. Some believe Zanjani is a scapegoat of Hassan Rouhani’s government, which is a supposed crackdown on corruption because the government wants to attract foreign investment. Zanjani’s case could also be a distraction from other corruption cases. Iran’s seemingly closed society is due to the 1979 revolution when Islamic rulers denounced capitalism and pushed for an economy based on an amalgamation of Islamist and socialist ideology. Mousa Ghaninejad, an economist at Iran’ s Petroleum University of Technology said â€Å"We have fallen into an oil trap since 1974, which has increasingly put the economy under state control and keeps creating new rich classes who are linked to oil rents and political power† (Bozorgmeh, Najmeh). Essentially creating a class of oligarchs that operates in the private sector, dependent on the regime’s survival. But the private sector is about 20 % of the economy, which prevents the independent business community from attempting to influence politics (Bozorgmeh, Najmeh).

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Vermont Loving free essay sample

Though I am only seventeen years old and my family has not lived here for generations upon generations, I consider myself a well-worn Vermonter. I was born in the middle of an early November snowstorm. Though I was a newborn, I was already getting acquainted with a place where the weather is volatile and the people have learned not to stop when it makes things tricky. I’ve never moved away from this house where I was born. This is the house where I grew up playing in the mud of summer gardens, catching free-range chickens for slaughtering in the fall, and licking the sap from buckets hanging on maple trees when we’d finally gotten to the other side of winter. I live in a place where people understand the value of a good pair of muck boots and pride themselves on how much they can avoid the big supermarkets by sticking to their homegrown vegetables instead. We will write a custom essay sample on Vermont Loving or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Vermont breeds people who are as unpredictable as its dirt roads in mud season and just as fiercely individual as every snowflake. We are inspired by this place that is in so many ways a living breathing part of each of us. I understand the meaning of community, which is better defined in a place where we still hold town meetings and know the names of every face we pass on the sidewalks. Vermont is my community, and these are my people.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Starch Essays - Starch, Modified Starch, Corn Starch, Dextrin

Starch STARCH Starch is a white, granular, organic chemical that is produced by all green plants. Starch is a soft, white, tasteless powder that is insoluble in cold water, alcohol, or other solvents. The basic chemical formula of the starch molecule is (C6H10O5)n. The simplest form of starch is the linear polymer amylose; amylopectin is the branched form. Starch is manufactured in the green leaves of plants from excess glucose produced during photosynthesis and serves the plant as a reserve food supply. Starch is stored in chloroplasts in the form of granules and in such organs as the roots of the tapioca plant; the tuber of the potato; the stem pith of sago; and the seeds of corn, wheat, and rice. PROGRESS MADE IN DEVELOPMENT: Most starch is used for industrial purposes. Starch is tailor made to meet the requirements of the end-user giving rise to a range of speciality products. Many and sophisticated techniques are applied. A most versatile principle comprises a three step wet modification: Preparation ? Reaction ? Finishing By applying different reaction conditions - temperature, pH, additives - and strict process control speciality products with unique properties are made. These speciality products are named modified starches, because they still retain their original granule form and thereby resemble the native (unmodified) starch in appearance. But the modification has introduced improved qualities in the starch when cooked. The paste may have obtained improved clarity, viscosity, film-forming ability etc. Although native starch does have its industrial uses, most often industry requires the functionality of modified starch. The modification is achieved in one of two ways - either by the starch producer, who modifies the starch without disrupting the granules, or by the end-user who cooks and modifies the starch in a single step operation. The first method results in a granular product good for storage and the other in a ready-to-use paste. The two methods do not always act as a substitute for the other. Crush or grind containing gather the pulp and free the resulting the tubers or seeds ? mix with water ?resulting paste from impurities ?dry THE ENZYME USED TO SYNTHESISE STARCH; Starch molecules are susceptible to the action of amylases. The a-amylases are endo enzymes, hydrolyzing a1, 4-glycosidic in the inner regions of the molecules. Products are of varying size and include oligosaccharides and low molecular weight dextrins. The b-amylases are exo enzymes, splitting unmodified amylose chains into maltose units, beginning at the non-reducing end. Amylolytic enzymes are useful in the conversion of cornstarch to corn syrup. USES: Aside from their basic nutritional uses, starches are used in brewing and as thickening agents in baked goods and confections. Starch is used in paper manufacturing to increase the strength of paper and is also used in the surface sizing of paper. Starch is used in the manufacture of corrugated paperboard, paper bags and boxes, and gummed paper and tape. Large quantities of starch are also used in the textile industry as warp sizing, which imparts strength to the thread during weaving. THE RELATION OF PROPERTIES TO USE: Properties of starch. Surface of starch granules app. 30 ha/g Specific density app. 1.55 g/ml Specific heat 1.22 kJ/g Bulk weight of starch 80% DS app. 0.7 g/ml DS of moist centrifugate app. 0.6 g/ml Brightness (MgO2 = 100%) app. 95 % Starch is abundant. All major agricultural crops contain starch. Colder climates favour potato growing, the tropics cassava, while grain varieties are grown all over the world. With sun and water as the main limitations, fifteen tons of starch dry mater can be achieved per hectare. Modern techniques enable starch to be extracted from agricultural crops with high yield and extreme purity, making starch the most versatile crop used within the food and chemical industries. The starch granule is a compact package of pure glucose polymer. The purity and efficient moisture absorbing properties of starch have made it indispensable in the production of medicinal tablets and as a moisture regulator. Polymer releases from the granule during cooking. At 60 oC, the polymer begins to hydrate, adding its viscosity and gelling power to the water. This is the way puddings are made in the home - just by using native starch. The food industry also employs native starch as a binder and thickening agent in snacks, meat products,

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Clemencias revenge Professor Ramos Blog

Clemencias revenge Never marry a Mexican is a short story which the author Sandra Cisneros explains how the main character Clemencia went through seeing her mother having an affair while her father was bedridden, it made Clemencia make poor choices by sleeping with married men throughout her life. Her mother would always tell Clemencia and her sister Ximena to â€Å" never marry a Mexican† she took this to heart.clemenica would tell her self that she would marry a Mexican but never really marry anyone at all. She feels that since she now has this experience has made her the person she is today â€Å"I’m vindictive and cruel and I’m capable of anything† (Cisneros 68). She doesn’t really see what she does wrong all she can think about how stupid their wives are from the multiple married men she has been with. This makes her angry towards her mother for her infidelity and marrying someone who is not Mexican. Clemencia felt that once her mother’s new husband and ki ds moved into their fathers house that she stopped being a mother. She wanted to belong to someone but instead, she borrowed men. This lead to her having an affair with her teacher Drew. Drew was married to Megan but nothing stopped him from seeing Clemencia. Drew then had a child with Megan and Clemencia was feeling okay about it. They eventually stopped seeing each other and moved on with their lives. Now fast forward to Drew’s son who is almost done with high school, Clemencia said: â€Å" I’ve been waiting patient like a spider all the years† (Cisneros 75). Cisneros stories would leave you having a memorable, cringy and humorous stories. I felt since she never had Drew for herself Clemencia wanted â€Å"to make the boy love me the way I love his father†. (Cisneros 82). She loves the feeling that she has the power of men in her hands she likes to have control and that’s what she had with Drew and his son. The boy would do anything for her because he loves her but little does he know that she has been having an affair with his father. What do you think he’ll do if he ever finds out? That she’s only using him as revenge. She took his son under her wing and is sleeping with at would him. She even slept with Drew when his wife gave birth to their son. which I think it’s crazy and a little creepy. She just wanted revenge and she got it by sleeping with his son. Which I think is a great comeback. She would always remember what Drew would tell her things like he loves her, calls her his doradita. Did she ever think about how Drew would lead her on? And technically she isn’t cheating. Drew is the one who is cheating and is sleeping with the Clemencia. A couple of days before they broke off their affair Clemencia was at Drew’s house having dinner. She goes to her backpack and grabs a bag of gummy bears and puts them in her pocket and walks to his wife’s room. She then began to put gummy bears in Megan’s belongings such as lipsticks, look through her medicine cabinet and the babushka dolls that Drew gave to her. She only put it in spots where Megan would notice it. There isn’t a reason why she did that, maybe she was feeling a little humorous and to just fuck with her. Maybe she wanted to let her know that she was here, or is she trying to break up their marriage. Instead, she said maybe Drew would make an excuse to cover it up. He would blame the â€Å"the cleaning woman’s Mexican voodoo† (Cisneros 81). she then took the smallest doll from the babushka dolls and pulled over by a bridge on her way home and threw the doll in the water. It made her feel better. Which I do think is a little str ange. She would also lay awake at night thinking about suicide and killing someone she then said: â€Å"except it’s not me who I want to kill†. It could be a possibility she was talking about Drew or maybe she wants to kill Megan. Drew is all she thinks about; she tries so hard to try not to call him even though she knows that Drew would tell her to leave him alone. He doesn’t want anything to do to her which then angers her. She just wants someone for herself and she wants to be told that everything is okay, I also feel like she needs validation from someone to make her feel better. She might even have a mental illness. On the other hand, Clemencia just wants to hurt Drew like how he hurt her. She is a vengeful woman and her sleeping with his son is her way of expressing her feelings of revenge, I wonder what she is going to with Drew’s son. Maybe she’ll keep having a sexual relationship with him or maybe they will get married. Another possibility would be she broke it off with him. For once she could be thinking she wants nothing to do with him anymore. She could have possibly moved on with her life and learn that she needs to stop sleeping with married men because at the end they’re not hers because they are all married and she is very aware of the things she does with men yet she always ends up being left alone. Which if not good for her mental health. She believes that she is unworthy because she sleeps with married men she would have them in her power but in reality, they really are not. Because they don’t leave their wives for her. The men think that their family is more important than breaking off the marriage or getting divorced. Ho know maybe this time around she would stop sleeping with married men and sleep with single men and she wouldn’t have to worry about â€Å"la otra† because shell have someone to love and they would love her back. Works citied: Cisenros, Sandra. Women hollering creek and other stories. Bloomsbury, 2004.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of the Fallacy of Equivocation

Definition and Examples of the Fallacy of Equivocation Equivocation is a fallacy by which a specific  word or phrase in an argument is used with more than one meaning. Its also known as semantic equivocation. Compare this with the related term of  amphiboly, where the ambiguity is in the grammatical construction  of the sentence rather than just a single word or phrase. Compare also with the term polysemy, which refers to when a single word has more than one meaning, and  lexical ambiguity when a word is ambiguous because it has more than one meaning. Equivocation is a common fallacy because it often is quite hard to notice that a shift in meaning has taken place, note authors Howard Kahane and Nancy Cavender in their book Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric. The sugar industry, for instance, once advertised its product with the claim that Sugar is an essential component of the body...a key material in all sorts of metabolic processes, neglecting the fact that it is glucose (blood sugar) not ordinary table sugar (sucrose) that is the vital nourishment (Wadsworth, 1998). In a broader sense,  equivocation  refers to the  use of vague or unclear  language, especially when the intention is to mislead or deceive an  audience. Combatting the Fallacy You need to discover context behind the slippery terms and an arguments assertions when working to combat an equivocation fallacy. The  fallacy of equivocation  occurs particularly in  arguments  involving words that have a multiplicity of meanings, such as  capitalism, government, regulation, inflation, depression, expansion,  and  progress, note authors  Robert Huber and Alfred Snider in their book Influencing Through Argument. To expose the fallacy of equivocation you give accurate and specific  definitions  of  terms,  and  show  carefully that in one place the definition of the terms was different from the definition in another (IDEA, 2005). Take a look at the following ridiculous  syllogism  example given in the book  Informal Fallacies: Towards a Theory of Argument Criticisms by  Douglas N. Walton: An elephant is an animal.A gray elephant is a gray animal.Therefore, a small elephant is a small animal.Here we have a relative term, small, that shifts meaning according to the context. A small house may not be taken, in some contexts, as anywhere near the size of a small insect. Small is a highly relative term, unlike grey, that shifts according to subject. A small elephant is still a relatively large animal. (John Benjamins, 1987) Investigating equivocation fallacies in a debate opponents arguments will be more difficult than one that is readily apparent to be not factual like the above, but fallacies like this are worthwhile to combat, as getting to see behind the curtain and find truth  is important, for example, when searching for peoples (or politicians) motives behind what they endorse.   Another area to dig into is vagueness of a claim or when a term is left undefined. For example, when President Bill Clinton claimed not to have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, his statement may have meant one particular act but was presented in such a way that it appeared he hoped people would infer his denial of all types of sexual contact. Next, look also for words taken out of context from an original text or speech and twisted around to mean something other than what the person meant.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Staphylococcus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Staphylococcus - Research Paper Example The different species prove to be dangerous because they show resistance towards methicillin and other potent antibiotics (Acton, 2012, pg.38). Incidence of a disease is defined as risk of contracting a disease. Hence various studies have been conducted to assess the incidence of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. There was a dramatic increase in the number of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus cases in the late 1990s in America. The strain was seen to cause infections in children who were not at risk. The children had not had recent hospitalization, surgery, injection infusion nor had they resided in a medical facility for a long time. Four fatal pediatric cases also emerged between 1996 and 1999. This raised questions. The methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus could be acquired in the community, and this also suggested that a new strain of the bacterium was present which differed from the already present strain in hospital settings (Song et al, 2013, pg. 69). The epidemiology of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus is continuously changing due to its capability to resist. This trait makes it hard to treat these infections. Hence regular surveillance studies are held to assess the status of disease. Surveillance studies from 1990s indicated an increase in the incidence of MRSA infections. The role of surveillance studies is to lower morbidity, mortality and incidence of disease (Meija et al, 2015, pg. 79). Methicillin resistance is a universal problem but is more prevalent in countries where use of antibiotics is high. American and China have the highest rate of antibiotic consumption and hence face the most cases of methicillin resistance (Tisserand, 2015, pg. 20). The normal bacterial flora of humans includes S. aureus often. Studies indicate that the organism is present in the nasal colonization of the adult population. Staphylococcus aureus

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Re-entry programs Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Re-entry programs - Case Study Example The most successful reductions in recidivism occur in states that have a comprehensive program to meet the needs of individual prisoners before and after they are released. Oregon is held up as the state most successful in reducing recidivism, with a drop of 32% between 1994 and 2004 (The Pew Center on the States). Oregon’s program includes a risk and needs assessment when the prisoner is first incarcerated and a detailed transition plan six months before release. Their program also includes a comprehensive shift among all levels of government so a prisoner is not immediately returned to prison but instead faces graduated sanctions in the community, to include short jail stays as a means of accountability (The Pew Center on the States). Graduated sanctions mean that the ex-prisoner is not immediately returned to prison for a technical violation. One of the most successful programs for incarcerated offenders is cognitive-behavioral treatment. These programs target the predictors of crime as well as anti-social attitudes and values (Hubbard). This treatment works well with the majority of prisoners but is deficient and even harmful to those with low self-esteem or a history of sexual abuse (Id.). However, the benefits of such treatment far outweigh the deficiencies and must be included in the over-arching goal of behavioral change. Current research indicates educational programs are an important tool in reducing both re-offense and technical violations (Brewster). In a study performed in Oklahoma prisons, women benefited the most from educational and vocational-technical training, but men benefitted as well (Id.). Substance abuse treatment and counseling has also proven effective when begun in prison and followed up with after care (American Psychological Association). Research in California prisons showed a three year

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How is wells fargo make money Essay Example for Free

How is wells fargo make money Essay Wells Fargo Company is a diversified financial services company providing banking, insurance, investments, mortgage and consumer finance for more than 23 million customers through 6,100 stores, the internet and other distribution channels across North America and elsewhere internationally. Headquartered in San Francisco, but were decentralized so every local Wells Fargo store is a headquarters for satisfying all customers financial needs and helping them succeeds financially. Wells Fargo has $483 billion in assets and 167,000 total team members across 80+ businesses. They are one of the United States top-40 largest private employers; ranked fifth in assets and fourth in market value of stock among their peers as of September 30, 2006 (Wells Fargo’s home page). Wells Fargo’s goal, however, is not to be the biggest, but to be the best. Wells Fargo’s website set forth its vision, which is â€Å"to satisfy all our customers financial needs and help them succeed financially. We want to be recognized as one of Americas great companies and the premier provider of financial services in every one of our markets, number one, second to none. † Loomis (17) states that Wells Fargo’s strategic initiatives include; increase the contribution to banking earnings from investments, trust, brokerage and insurance from 15 percent to 25 percent. Going for â€Å"gr-eight† Increase the number of products their consumer and business customers have with them to eight products per customer. Doing it right for the customer 100% bank-mortgage/home equity cross-sell all mortgage and home equity customers in banking states to bank with Wells Fargo and want all their banking customers who need a mortgage or a home equity loan to get it through Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo cards in every wallet; When, where and how Integrate all delivery channels stores, ATMs, Wells Fargo Phone Banksm, their online banking site, direct mail, interactive video—to match them with when, where and how their customers want to be served. â€Å"Information-based† marketing Use technology to take full advantage; offer the right product to the right customer at the right time at every point of customer contact. Be the customers’ payments processor. Premier customers Attract more and keep all existing premier customers and increase their numbers; and People as a Competitive Advantage- Continue to develop reward and recognize all team members. In 1852 Henry Wells and William Fargo founded Wells, Fargo Co. to serve the West. The new company offered banking (buying gold, and selling paper bank drafts as good as gold) and express (rapid delivery of the gold and anything else valuable). Wells Fargo opened for business in the gold rush port of San Francisco, and soon Wells Fargo’s agents opened offices in the other new cities and mining camps of the West. In the boom and bust economy of the 1850s, According to Hungerford, Wells Fargo earned a reputation of trust by dealing rapidly and responsibly with people’s money. In the 1860s, it earned everlasting fame and its corporate symbol with the grand adventure of the overland stagecoach line (99). Wells Fargo sent its business by the fastest means possible: stagecoach, steamship, railroad, pony rider or telegraph. In 1858, Wells Fargo helped start the Overland Mail Company the famed â€Å"Butterfield Line† to meet the demand for speedy communications across the west. In 1861, Wells Fargo also took over operations of the western leg of the famed, but short-lived, Pony Express (Scheele 250). In 1866, Wells Fargo combined all the major western stage lines. Stagecoaches bearing the name Wells, Fargo Co. rolled over 3,000 miles of territory, from California to Nebraska, and from Colorado into the mining regions of Montana and Idaho. After the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869, Wells Fargo increasingly rode the rails. In 1888, after expanding along the new steel network across the Northeast into New York, Wells Fargo became the country’s first nationwide express company. It adopted the motto â€Å"Ocean-to-Ocean† to describe its service that connected over 2,500 communities in 25 states, and â€Å"Over-the-Seas† to highlight its lines linking America’s increasingly global economy. Wells Fargo rushed customers’ business from the urban centers of New York and New Jersey, through the rail hub of Chicago and farming regions of the Midwest, to ranching and mining centers in Texas and Arizona, and to lumber mill towns in the Pacific Northwest. Wells Fargo agents in towns large and small offered basic financial services like money orders, travelers’ checks, and transfer of funds by telegraph. Always, though, wherever there was mining, from Alaska to Arizona, Wells Fargo guarded the gold. By 1910 the Company’s network linked 6,000 locations, including new offices in the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes regions. It was in these towns that the famed â€Å"Wells Fargo Wagon† delivered goods of all sorts, from a grey mackinaw to some grapefruit from Tampa, as the song from the Music Man goes (Hungerford 97). By 1918 Wells Fargo was part of 10,000 communities across the country. That year, however, the federal government took over the nation’s express network as part of its effort in the First World War. Wells Fargo was left with just one bank in San Francisco. Wells Fargo Co’s Bank, San Francisco (as it was called since 1852), formally separated in 1905 from Wells Fargo Co Express. The bank then survived the disaster of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire. Bank president I. W. Hellman telegraphed, â€Å"Building Destroyed, Vault Intact, and Credit Unaffected. † From that confident note, Wells Fargo began rebuilding its banking business across the West. In the 1910s and ’20s Wells Fargo served as a commercial bank in San Francisco, supporting the West’s growing business and agriculture, including fledgling auto, aerospace and film industries. The Wells Fargo Stagecoach became a regular actor in Hollywood westerns. Loomis (18) agreed that sound management helped the bank weather the Great Depression, serve the nation during World War II, and positioned the bank to meet new consumer banking needs in the prosperous post-war era. Through the 20th Century Wells Fargo rebuilt from just one office in San Francisco. From 1905 to 1923 it was a premier downtown San Francisco institution. Expanding in 1923 to two marbled banking halls, Wells Fargo was a â€Å"banker’s bank† that served the entire west. In 1960s prosperity, Wells Fargo became a northern California regional bank with branch offices everywhere people lived and played, from the coast to the mountains. In the 1980s Wells Fargo expanded into a state-wide bank and became the seventh largest bank in the nation and launched its online service (Wells Fargo home page). In the 1990s Wells Fargo returned to its historic territory throughout the Western, Midwestern and Eastern states. Today in the 21st Century, with extensive and diversified financial services, the Wells Fargo name once again extends â€Å"Ocean-to-Ocean,† â€Å"Over-the-Seas,† and, of course, On-Line. The famous image of the stagecoach and the reputation of the name saw Wells Fargo well through the mighty events and fantastic growth of the 20th Century. In prosperity, depression and war, even greater post-war prosperity, social changes and ever faster communications technologies, Wells Fargo’s attention to customers’ business has seen it through these great events and brought success. WORK CITED Hungerford, Edward. Wells Fargo: Advancing the American Frontier. New York: Random House, 1949. Loomis, Noel M. Wells Fargo. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1968. 17-18. Scheele, Carl H. A Short History of the Mail Service. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1970. 250. Wells Fargo. Home page. 2006. 23 Nov. 2006 https://www. wellsfargo. com/about/history/adventure/modern_times.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay -- Homosexuality, argumentative, persuasive

Marriage is the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple. Marriage should not be based on what others think. When people get married in a heterosexual union, they do it for their own happiness, not for the happiness of others. Gay marriage is the same way. Homosexuality has always been around and will continue to exist. Why should homosexuals be denied the rights of heterosexuals? No one has the right to say that homosexuals can not marry. That is discriminating against another group of individuals who want equality. Gay marriage should be accepted; people were made with the capacity to love, no one should try to change that, not the Bible, the Constitution, or anyone. Marriage is stated many times in the Bible. But the Bible and the Amendments can be interpreted many ways. Marriage is a religious ceremony, â€Å"But I cannot imagine even the most fervent Christian obeying all of God’s laws†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bond) Nobody is perfect, but our flaws make who we are. If we don’t always follow a few rules here and there it is okay because we are only human. Most parents teach their children to be different and don’t let others influence them. The same thing should go for gays. The people that are trying to change them are not going to succeed. Gays were made fore a certain reason, but our country has to figure that out first in order accept them. In the Bible, Jesus blesses the children and sends the young rich men away†¦ Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, there is no one who left house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news, who will not receive a hundredfold now i n this age --- houses brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields with... ..., it will come. Works Cited DeMarco, Donald. "Same-Sex Marriage Should Not Be Allowed." The Family. Ed. Auriana Ojeda. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. Bond, Julian. "Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Discriminates Against Gays." Discrimination. Ed. Jacqueline Langwith. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. Dykstra, Laurel. "Not All Queers Want to Marry." Homosexuality. Ed. Paul Connors. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Current Controversies. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. Mercer, Ilana. "Gay Couples Have Equal Rights." 2014. Rpt. in Does Equality Exist in America? Ed. Stuart A. Kallen. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2014. At Issue. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Move and position Essay

1:1 Outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning of individuals The anatomy which the physical structure of the body and physiology which is the normal functions of the body help individuals to move their limbs. Muscles have the power of contraction thus it produce movement of the body and allow the bones to work like hinges. When moving someone/individual it is important to remember that the muscles can only move the joint as far as the bones will allow them. 1:2 Describe the impact of specific conditions on the correct movement and positioning of an individual If an individual has suffer from a stroke this may cause loss of movement in the limbs on one side of the body (hemiplegia). In that case it is very important to remember that when you are assisting an individual with regards to dressing you need to dress the individual firstly the bad side and when undressing him/her you do the bad side lastly to prevent discomfort. Read more: Identify any immediate risks to the individual essay Therefore that mean by following this procedure you are not pulling their muscles in the wrong direction. 2:1 Describe how legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices related to moving and positioning individuals How legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices: Current, local, UK and European legislation affects procedures and practices. This include Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended 2004), Reporting of Injuries, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (England, Wales and Scotland) Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) order 1 978, Lifting operations and lifting Equipment Regulation (1998( – LOLER, The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999; Disability Discrimination Act (1995), Human Rights Act (1998). In the workplace there is Code of Practice and Conduct, Standards and Guidance relevant to individual’s role and responsibilities eg health and safety policies, moving and handling policies, moving and handling techniques, Policies on information sharing, risk assessment documentation, individual care plans, infection control procedures, recording and reporting procedures ect. All these policies and procedures can affect our working practices for example Manual and Handling is about supporting the weight of someone or moving them yourself by using an equipment, If you do not carry this procedures safely it could result injury to self, to service user and other individual that are working with you. The Health and Safety Work Act (1974) state that 50% or all accident reported each year are from assisting people with manual and handling. The regulation that are set impose duties on employers, self- employed and employees, they state that employers must avoid all hazardous manual handling activities where it is practical to do so. Employees must follow the work system set by the employer to promote care for the health and safety of self and others, comply with the requirement imposed on the employer, never misuse or interfere with anything provided for health, safety and welfare. Also use material or equipment only according to recommended procedures. 2:2 Describe what health and safety factors need to be taken into account when moving and positioning individual and any equipment used to do this Health and safety factors that need to take into account when moving and positioning individual and any equipment used to do this are as follows: Environmental hazards: wet or slippery floor, wires that are hanging or are on the floor and items in the immediate area that could cause a trip or a fall or preventing you to move freely when using equipment, precautions for infection prevention and controls, ensuring any equipment is ready for use and fault free, individual trained in the use of any equipment and have the skills for the moving and positioning required; any factors that might affect the individual’s ability to move or position others eg physical disability or injury, pregnancy or other medical condition; procedures to minimise risk of injury (back injury) to the individual carrying out the moving and handling; importance of not dragging including effect on pressure sores; importance of wearing suitable clothing that allows free movement when bending or stretching; suitable, safe footwear, equipment eg hoists, slides, slide sheets, slings, pillows. 3:3 Identify any immediate risks to the individual: The immediate risks to the individual are as follows environmental factors, equipment, service user and person involved in the moving and handling. The service user could be in danger or harm if procedures has not carried out correctly, individual could be at risk of infection, it could cause pain, discomfort or friction from moving, not having proper moving and handling techniques could be a risk to individual. Those assisting in the moving and handling, others within the environment and servicer. Equipment can be faulty. Risk can occur any time at your work place that why it is important to always check and identify risks and try to correct it straight away ( ie) if you are using a sling to hoist a service user and it has a tear on it no matter how small the risk is, if it is not being corrected straight away this could lead to a big risk and may cause detrimental damage to self, service user and others involved. Therefore a risk assessment plan should be in place so that it can be changed and implement as to requirement of service user’s needs. 3:4 Describe actions to take in relation to identified risks Action that needs to be taken in relation to identified risk are as follows: To report it to Nurse in Charge on duty or Manager so that risk assessment plan can be updated. Ensure service user and all people involved in the care are made aware of the changes, ensure staff are implement procedures according the update risk assessment. Ensure the plan design comply with the trust requirement policy and staff are working within those guidelines. Communicating with the team to find out from staff whether the plan in place are working or any changes needs to be done. 3:5 Describe what action should be taken if the individual’s wishes conflict with their plan of care in relation to health and safety and their risk assessment Policy and procedures in relation to moving and handling may conflict with service user wishes. Due accident that happening in workplace due to lifting. Many workplace has now adopted NO-Lifting policy which means that hoists are to use according to their needs. However on many occasions service user do not want to be hoisted and if dealt with it incorrectly, it could leave service user feeling scared, undignified, humiliated, distressed and degraded. As much as employees has to follow policies but you find yourself in trouble due to basic human right may have been violated. .To prevent conflict between service user and workplace policies relating moving and positioning you must involve service user in their own risk assessment and mobility service plan if appropriate. . Risk assessment to be focus on service user needs only on Employer needs. . Patient Centred Care Plan with agreement to service user taking into account requirement needs. . Wishes of service user need to be balanced to ensure employer are not putting themselves at risk through moving and positioning activities. By involving service user in their care this will promote independence, autonomy and dignity. Service user may change and mobility can improve or deteriorate – which may lead changes to their mind on how they wish to be moved or positioned. If their wishes conflict with their plan of support, it is important to document this in the service user care plan and inform the manager and outside agency that are involved in the care of the service user. 6:1Describe when advice and/or assistance should be sought to move or handle an individual safely You would seek advice: . When individual that need moving has preferences that conflict with safe practice. . When risk cannot be dealt with . When equipment appears to be worn, damaged or unsafe to use . When techniques or equipment used require more than one person to use it safely . When working unaided would exceed personal handling limit . When individual care plan and/or risk assessment cannot be follow as planned . When Organisational policies and procedures cannot be followed. 6:2 Describe what sources of information are available about moving and positioning Sources about moving and positioning is available within the work setting such as policies, procedures and manuals, there is also advice from other practitioners such as nurse, welfare officer, physiotherapist or team advising on health and safety eg back care, sources external to the setting including local authority, primary care trust and organisations promoting health and safety and caring for those with physical disability, Back care advisor (BCA).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Relationship Between Private and Public Police

Relationship between Private and Public Police G00fydad CJS/250 March 10, 2013 John Doe Relationship between Private and Public Police The police in our society carry with them a deep sense of tradition and honor that stems from generations of serving and protecting the public. This pride can, at times, lead some police to believe that they are the last line of defense with the public they serve and any other entity that appears to be encroaching on that territory should be mistrusted.This attitude does not mix well with others attempting to perform the same job function such as private security. Thankfully this is not the consensus of all public police officers. Most public police understand that they require the assistance of the private sector and will welcome the help where it is offered. The public police also understand that that private security entities are often times the first to respond at many of the incidents that later involve the public police.It has been estimated tha t nearly 85 percent of the country’s critical infrastructure is protected by private security (Ohlhausen, 2004). When the private security firms handle such a large majority of the policing duties it is essential that the relationship between the private and public police forces relate well to one another and cooperate whenever possible. One of the largest issues with the relationship between the public and private police stems from the general population’s opinion.The public police are looked upon as the legitimate police force and the private security departments are looked upon with very little respect by the community at large. This can be seen at most shopping malls when someone is committing a crime. When the security officer intervenes that situation may only deescalate slightly and the participants still look upon the security officer with little respect. However, when a public police officer arrives the situation is typically handled swiftly and all parties in volved take things far more serious.This image of private security officers and the relationship they hold with the public police is often exacerbated by the media in television and movies. They portray the security officers as lazy, bumbling, and not very smart. Of course these are the media’s vision of private security, but this is the general public consensus about the private security firms. This attitude and lack clear role definition of the private security field is a major roadblock in path of cooperation between the public and private sectors.According to a report issued by the Private Security Advisory Council, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and the U. S. Department Of Justice the major causes for the role conflict problems is a lack of mutual respect, lack of communication, lack of cooperation, lack of law enforcement’s knowledge of private security, perceived competition, lack of standards, and perceived corruption (1977). This separation of the public and private police is becoming less noticeable these days thanks to the education of both sides.The public and private police understand that they require the help and cooperation of each other. For example, with regard to public and private space, the public police must have probable cause or a warrant issued by a judge in order to search a location. The private security officer does not require any such warrant. The private security officer only needs to conduct the search within the confines of his or her allowable space, or the area in which they normally operate.For instance, a public police officer may not be allowed to come into an office building and search the office for narcotics without a warrant, but the company’s security officer is fully allowed to search the premises and turn over any evidence found. This definition between public and private space can be an advantage to public police. However, if the private security does not feel obliged to coopera te then the public police will need to work through other, longer, channels to get their job completed.This can happen if the private security feels that they would rather handle an incident of criminal activity internally and will not allow the public police to intervene in the process. The private security entities make this decision from time to time for a variety of reasons including the mistrust of the court system to fully sanction the offender and the feeling that the current court system is a â€Å"revolving door† situation. It is situations such as these that prevent our public police and private security from having a truly unifying system.According to Boston Massachusetts Transit Police Chief Joseph C. Carter, since September 11, 2001 law enforcement agencies have been under tremendous pressure to conduct their traditional crime prevention and response activities and perform an immense amount of homeland security work, in a time of tight city, county, tribal, and s tate budgets (2007). In a time of financial crisis for all areas of the government we must rely on the private security development and ensure that the public police and the private security entities work together to keep things safe.In order for the public police and private security to truly work together government rules and regulations need to be enacted and the private sector would have to fall under the umbrella of government oversight. The private security entities would have to answer for the actions they take, and they would have to adhere to the same rules and regulations as public police. However, if this were to happen then the entire rules of search and seizure would have to change as well as many other law enforcement policies.Once this change takes place within the government the public and private police will be able to interact with little interference and issue making the ability to deal with crimes far easier. This will have the added benefit of improving not only the image of private security in the community’s eyes, but also the relationship between public and private police agencies. While the relationship between the public and private police agencies can be strained at times, and relaxed at others the cooperation between both is very important and should be encouraged by all involved.The public image of private security must also change and the officers within the realm of private security should be afforded the same respect and courtesy that public police already experience. This new attitude by the general populace coupled with government involvement and support will only serve to improve the relationship between public and private police. References Ohlhausen, P. (2004). In T Seamon (Chair). Building private security/public policing partnerships to prevent and respond to terrorism and public disorder. National policy summit.Retrieved from http://cops. usdoj. gov/files/RIC/Publications/national_policy_summit. pdf Bilek, A. (197 7, June). In A. Bilek (Chair). Law enforcement and private security sources and areas of conflict and strategies for conflict resolution. Retrieved from https://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/44783NCJRS. pdf Carter, J. (2007). Public-private partnerships: Vital resources for law enforcement. Retrieved from http://www. policechiefmagazine. org/magazine/index. cfm? fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=1257&issue_id=92007

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Puritain Mission essays

Puritain Mission essays Some Puritans, disenchanted with the Anglican Church, and persecuted in England for their religious beliefs, decided to move to the New World, and have their own colony. Led by John Winthrop, their mission was to create what he called a city upon a hill. This would be a Godly community, demonstrating a life of piety and community, and would serve as an example for Puritans everywhere. Although the colony itself ultimately thrived, the Puritan mission, as originally stated was not overly successful. There were many factors that led to Puritan Declension the belief that they did indeed stray from their mission. When John Winthrop prepared to lead the first group of Puritans to the New World in 1629, he wrote a document that listed several reasons why he was going, and also why others should follow. He declared that the New World was a place provided by God, and it would serve as a refuge for many, and that England had become a land that had grown weary of her inhabitants. He also spoke of English society having grown to heights of intemperance, and that living in that society made it almost impossible for a good and upright man to ... live comfortably there. He refers to the land in the New World as being as good or better in quality, and certainly more plentiful in quantity compared to what is currently available in England. He ends his document by saying that if someone in England is godly, and living in wealth in prosperity, and then in turn gives that up to join them, they would serve as excellent examples for others, and would encourage them to join the more willingly in it. Alt hough Winthrop was sincere in his belief of what he wrote about, and the writing serves as an excellent framework of the reasons why he and other Puritans wanted to go to the New World, it could also be colloquially referred to as a ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Essential Things to Know About Shakespeares Sonnets

Essential Things to Know About Shakespeares Sonnets The collection of 154 Shakespeare sonnets remains some of the most important poems ever written in the English language. Indeed, the collection contains Sonnet 18 – ‘Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?’ – described by many critics as the most romantic poem ever written. It is strange that, considering their literary importance, they were never supposed to be published! For Shakespeare, the sonnet was a private form of expression. Unlike his plays, which were written expressly for public consumption, there is evidence to suggest that Shakespeare never intended for his collection of 154 sonnets to be published. Publishing the Shakespeare Sonnets Although written in the 1590s, it wasn’t until 1609 that the Shakespeare sonnets were published. Around this time in Shakespeares biography, he was finishing his theatrical career in London and moving back to Stratford-upon-Avon to live out his retirement. It is likely that the 1609 publication was unauthorized because the text is riddled with errors and seems to be based on an unfinished draft of the sonnets – possibly obtained by the publisher through illegitimate means. To make things even more complicated, a different publisher released another edition of the sonnets in 1640 in which he edited the gender of the Fair Youth from â€Å"he† to â€Å"she†. A Breakdown of Shakespeare's Sonnets Although each sonnet in the 154-strong collection is a standalone poem, they do interlink to form an overarching narrative. In effect, this is a love story in which the poet pours adoration upon a young man. Later, a woman becomes the object of the poet’s desire. The two lovers are often used to breakdown the Shakespeare sonnets into chunks. The Fair Youth Sonnets:  Sonnets 1 to 126 are addressed to a young man known as the â€Å"fair youth†. Exactly what the relationship is, is unclear. Is it a loving friendship or something more? Is the poet’s love reciprocated? Or is it simply an infatuation? You can read more about this relationship in our introduction to the Fair Youth Sonnets.The Dark Lady Sonnets:  Suddenly, between sonnets 127 and 152, a woman enters the story and becomes the poet’s muse. She is described as a â€Å"dark lady† with unconventional beauty. This relationship is perhaps even more complex than the Faith Youth’s! Despite his infatuation, the poet describes her as â€Å"evil† and like a â€Å"bad angel†. You can read more about this relationship in our introduction to the  Dark Lady Sonnets.The Greek Sonnets:  The final two sonnets in the collection, sonnets 153 and 154, are completely different. The lovers disappear and the poet muses on the Roma n myth of Cupid. These sonnets act as a conclusion or summing up to the themes discussed throughout the sonnets. Literary Importance It is difficult to appreciate today how important Shakespeare’s sonnets were. At the time of writing, the Petrarchan sonnet form was extremely popular †¦ and predictable! They focused on unobtainable love in a very conventional way, but Shakespeare’s sonnets managed to stretch the strictly-obeyed conventions of sonnet writing into new areas. For example, Shakespeare’s depiction of love is far from courtly – it is complex, earthy and sometimes controversial: he plays with gender roles, love and evil are closely entwined and he speaks openly about sex. For example, the sexual reference that opens sonnet 129 is clear: The expense of spirit in a waste of shameIs lust in action: and till action, lust. In Shakespeare’s time, this was a revolutionary way of discussing love! Shakespeare, therefore, paved the way for modern romantic poetry. The sonnets remained relatively unpopular until Romanticism really kicked in during the nineteenth century. It was then that the Shakespeare sonnets were revisited and their literary importance secured.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Public Key Infrastructure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Key Infrastructure - Research Paper Example PKI is set of complex set of application that supports other application system and components that will assist in building a network security. Implementation of PKI is anticipated to serve as an essential component of an overall security system within the organization (Zao, 2012; Hanka et al., 2011). PKI is highly scalable and helps the in maintaining certificates with their unique identity. A feature of PKI such as scalability further creates no requirement of third party authentication. Through the feature of the delegation of trust the software enhances the authentication of the software within the end users. To enhance the security system within an organization the PKI provides unique codes and ensures that only legitimate users are able to access to the system resources. These features of PKI along with identity based self-certified keys are anticipated to ensure better security system controlled within the organization (The Saylor Foundation, 2012). PKI system allows the use of mathematically related key pairs, to be used for public and private level. The private key is used to safeguard the requirement of the privacy at the organizational level. Correspondingly, the public keys provide a unique identification to the users of the software. This method of encryption and decryption is further observed to help the organization to authenticate the software and enhances the credibility to the customers (United States Department of Agriculture, n.d.). The certificate authority helps in creating and binding the public encryption keys. The in-house certification authority enhances the maximum level of control over the different software being used within an organization. The process employs a digital sign which enhances the financial soundness, liability protection as well as enhances the corroboration of transaction. The document that is signed by a trusted b y a third party organization is referred to as a