Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Romanticism Arts Essay examples -- essays research papers

Sensation, creative mind, and judgment are interrelated in the experience of craftsmanship. Burke clarifies how sensation, creative mind, and judgment decide the experience of joy and agony, and how delight and torment are spoken to by the tasteful ideas of excellence and sublimity.     Burke says that, so as to comprehend the inception of our thoughts of the magnificent and excellent, we should analyze the experience of torment and joy.      Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich has a work of art that will leave watchers in thought. His artistic creation, The Wanderer at the Sea of Fog, leaves us to consider what has occurred. We see a man, wearing all dark, remaining on an edge of rocks. He looks out into an excellent open sky, marginally overcast, with the sun setting. There is an orange fog left as the impression of the sun fills the sky. Be that as it may, we can't see his face. We don't have a clue about his outward appearance, on the off chance that he is pitiful, or in the event that he simply needed to see the view.            The end of delight may bring about a condition of impassion, dissatisfaction, or anguish. Then again, the finish of agony may bring about a condition of apathy, joy, or enjoyment. Burke utilizes the term "delight" to allude to a joy which is brought about by the expulsion of torment, while he utilizes the term "joy" to allude to a joy which emerges all by itself. As I see this work of art, I attempt and marvel if this artistic creation h...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Should the government provide free public education to children of Essay - 1

Should the legislature give free state funded instruction to offspring of illicit outsiders - Essay Example Apparently, every youthful individual has dreams for a superior future, and this must be accomplished from training. Moreover, the schools are focused on set up a functioning member later on for American culture when such achieve development. Despite the fact that illicitly inside the nation, the legislature ought to comprehend that they are a piece of the nation. In that capacity, unlawful foreigners ought to be furnished with information and aptitudes to abstain from making them dependants. They may be a crucial resource later on. Whenever overlooked, the outsiders may even reason issues to the nation, for example, perpetrating violations. These wrongdoings may even influence their nations of origin to reach out of decimating the connection between the nations (Grandrath, 2011). A researcher once expressed that in the event that a general public administration esteems people, puts stock in both instruction and kids, at that point it ought to be prepared to fare thee well and teach every kid in its region of ward. In American government’s case as a general public, it should then be prepared to finance the training of these illicit migrants regardless of their race and birthplace to better individual’s and the country’s future (Grandrath, 2011). Training typically goes about as venturing stone for some individuals and forswearing to one side for instruction may prompt devastation of people’s objectives. ... Some might be gifted in numerous parts good for the nation. They perhaps grow up to become extraordinary individuals in control and acquire a change government, thinking of strategies and rights preferring every individual in that nation. Obama attempts to sharpen the individuals on t he significance of every individual in the country. From the president’s refinement discourse, we become acquainted with how blameless and significant these kids are to the country. Along these lines, disregarding them will prompt numerous issues to the whole country. For example, their lives will be influenced. Since the foreigners are in the end some portion of the United States country, Lack of training means joblessness, which implies the pace of destitution will increment. This in the end influences the lives of most pieces of the country. A portion of the impacts brought about by destitution may incorporate prostitution, which is a social wrongdoing (Grandrath, 2011). From these social wron gdoings, issues like spread of infections like HIV/Aids will emit. These may prompt loss of lives and decrease in the economy. This is on the grounds that supports will be saved for treatment purposes. Even further, instruction is significant in a country independent of the individual being taught since it encourages one increase information and abilities in various fields. Consequently, inability to instruct these outsiders may prompt lacking pros in various fields and deficient work in the nation. Denying such people access to instruction implies significant work power is forgotten about. Accordingly, work import, which is costly more contrasted with when work was promptly accessible, might go to be the arrangement. Fundamentally, instruction helps support the work advertise and consequently the economy everywhere through expanded per capita pay. Changes in the Dream Act have empowered

Interventions For Substance Abuse Amongst Young People The WritePass Journal

Mediations For Substance Abuse Amongst Young People Presentation Mediations For Substance Abuse Amongst Young People , 20,688 youngsters got to substance abuse administrations, with most of this number getting to administrations for maltreatment of cannabis (64%) or liquor (29%) (National Drug Treatment Monitoring System, 2012). Over portion of the clients were matured 16 to 18 (53%), while the rest were matured under 16 (National Drug Treatment Monitoring System, 2012). Around 66% (64%) of the youngsters who got to authority substance abuse benefits in 2010-11 were male.â Overall, females getting to substance abuse administrations for youngsters are more youthful with 19% of guys matured under 15 years contrasted with 27% of females. Almostâ halfâ ofâ theâ youngâ peopleâ enteringâ specialistâ substanceâ misuseâ servicesâ areâ recordedâ asâ beingâ in mainstreamâ instruction, suchâ asâ schoolsâ andâ furtherâ educationâ colleges,â followedâ byâ aâ furtherâ 19%â in alternativeâ training, suchâ asâ schoolingâ deliveredâ inâ aâ pupi lâ referralâ unitâ orâ homeâ setting.â A further 19% are recorded as not in training or employment.â However, it ought to be noticed that educationâ andâ employmentâ statusâ wasâ announced for just newâ youngâ peopleâ enteringâ specialistâ servicesâ during the year. Consequently, the all out will be lower than that of every youngsters (National Drug Treatment Monitoring System, 2012). Referrals to medication and liquor treatment benefits usually originate from youth insulting groups, despite the fact that around 14% of referrals originate from standard instruction organizations and 7% are comprised of self-referrals. Maybe shockingly referrals from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health administration (CAHMS) make up just 3% of referrals (National Drug Treatment Monitoring System, 2012). These figures paint a maybe astonishing picture. For instance, progressively youngsters are alluded to master medication and liquor administrations from standard instruction than authority instructive focuses, proposing that substance misuse could be far rifer among youngsters as may be normal. It could be contended that disappointment of school specialists to adopt an increasingly viable deterrent strategy to medication and liquor misuse might be adding to the general issue. These figures additionally recommend that prompt consideration and mediation must be offered to youngsters to decrease negative results related with such high medication use. The insights uncover that there is a high pace of medication and substance maltreatment among youngsters in the UK. The high of level worry about the utilization of illegal medications and substances affects wellbeing, instructive and political conversations in the UK. The government’s national technique for a long time on sedate abuse sees youngsters as a basic need bunch needing fast anticipation and treatment intercession (Keegan and Moss, 2008) and perceives the need to improve our comprehension of the pretended by unlawful medications and substances in the lives of such youngsters. Teachers, wellbeing experts and strategy creators should have exhaustive understanding with regards to conversations including the maltreatment of unlawful medications. For instance, the Government must consider factors, for example, an absence of comprehension among youngsters concerning the laws that oversee various classes of unlawful medications. Maltreatment of liquor and different medications prompts the annihilation of intellectual and enthusiastic improvement in youngsters and opens them to an expanded chance of coincidental injury or even passing. At last, there is likewise a danger of clients turning out to be medicate subordinate. Maltreatment of medications and liquor by youngsters can likewise prompt such negative results as coronary heart illnesses, lung malignancy, AIDS, fierce wrongdoing, kid misuse and joblessness (Gurnack, Atkinson Osgood, 2002). Subsequently, people enjoying the utilization of liquor and different medications cause colossal expenses in their individual lives, their family lives and even their future vocations. Society is likewise not excluded as it follows through on a cost in various manners. For example, society causes additional expenses in human services, medication and liquor treatment, law implementation and supporting the genuinely influenced families who have been rendered vulnerable by the circumstance. There are numerous reasons why youngsters become associated with substance misuse. From a human science viewpoint it has been contended that the recreational maltreatment of medications has become ‘normalised’ (Parker, Measham and Aldridge, 1995) among specific gatherings of youngsters. In any case, Shiner and Newburn (1997) have contended that this hypothesis is reductionist and improves the explanations for a youthful person’s decision to mishandle drugs. In all actuality, the reasons with respect to why a youngster may start to manhandle medications can go from having poor grown-up good examples who may likewise utilize medications and liquor as a method of adapting or even a hereditary inclination toward poor self-administrative practices (Spooner and Hall, 2002). Proof shows that youthful liquor and medication misuse isn't affected by a solitary factor yet an enormous number of variables which are not really kept to any single piece of the an adolescentâ€⠄¢s world (Connors, Donovan DiClemente, 2001). Condition The earth where an individual lives is extremely instrumental with regards to the sort of life that individuals lead, particularly youngsters. In the event that nature is for instance portrayed by articulated joblessness, at that point youngsters in such a domain will enjoy exercises that cause them to overlook in any event, for a second the real factors of the joblessness circumstance. In the event that, for instance, in their quick condition youngsters face the circumstance of an enormous flexibly of medications and everybody around them is mishandling medications or liquor, at that point it is simple for such youngsters to receive this sort of way of life and become drink or medication abusers. The above clarification shows that the sort of condition a youngster remains in affects the propensities that are at last received by this gathering of youngsters. Interest Youngsters normally tend to attempt new things and to discover how it feels accomplishing something new.â Young individuals in the United Kingdom are not an exemption and the vast majority of them for the most part take a stab at drinking and medications just to investigate and discover what the experience resembles. This anyway brings about the youngsters turning out to be survivors of the outcomes that follow (Woo and Keatinge, 2008). The Defense Mechanism A decent number of youngsters use sedates explicitly to help them in facilitating injury that may result from unacceptable connections and furthermore physical or psychological mistreatment that may emerge from families or homes that need satisfaction. Advancement and Availability There is consistently a lot of weight from notice of liquor over the media. The beautiful idea of these advancements is frequently extremely tempting and generally deceptive. In the advancements or advertisements, liquor is glamorized henceforth the youngsters are affected to enjoy and subsequently wind up confronting the desperate results. This survey will break down the various intercessions used when working with youngsters who misuse medications and liquor. These incorporate those completed by psychological well-being laborers, religion-orientated mediations, network based intercessions and progressively mental, drug based intercessions. Inspirational based intercessions are likewise examined. Points and Objectives The point of this task will be to survey and basically assess the writing with respect to various mediations for youngsters who misuse medications and liquor in the UK. To accomplish this point the venture has set the accompanying goals: To fundamentally analyze the mediations for youngsters (matured 16 to 21) who use medications and liquor in UK, with the point of giving suggestions to improve the consideration given to the adolescents who are dependent or in danger of substance misuse. To utilize optional information to recognize the significance of various mediations in managing youngsters (age 16 to 21) who use medications and liquor in the UK. Justification Mediations for youngsters matured 16 to 21 who use medications and liquor has evoked differed conclusions from experts engaged with their consideration. This has been a consequence of the frequently mind boggling and shifted necessities of youngsters with substance misuse issues, for example, psychological wellness issues (Weaver et al., 2003), social avoidance (Fakhoury and Priebe, 2006) and inclusion with the criminal equity framework (Hamdi and Knight, 2012; Lundholm et al., 2013). In this way, there is regularly contradiction on where the mediation should concentrate principally. Different techniques have been progressed to address the association of youthful grown-ups in medications and substance misuse. For instance, prescription by emotional wellness nurture in instances of enslavement (Bennett and Holloway, 2005). In any case, because of the assortment of intercessions accessible for treating youngsters with substance misuse issue, it is critical to persistently audit the writing here and pin point the best mediations for treating this gathering of people. [Client must think of certain words here on why they have picked this point (this is basic as indicated by the task brief).] SEARCH STRATEGY In anticipation of this basic writing survey, various sources including diaries, articles and wellbeing reading material were utilized. The inquiry was directed utilizing mechanized databases which empowered access to writing on mediations for youngsters who misuse medications and liquor. Instances of such databases are given underneath: The Department of Health NHS Evidence (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2012). PsycINFO (American Psychological Association, 2013). PubMed (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2013). Google Scholar (Google, 2013). net (EMAP Publishing,

Friday, August 21, 2020

New Lost Generation free essay sample

In this content, The New Lost Generation, James Baldwin depicts living in the post-war age. During these occasions, the avenues were loaded up with scorn, torment, and outrage. Baldwin starts of his content by portraying the fellowship among him and his closest companion. A man, who was once looked to be an achiever of superb progressions, later went down a way loaded with vacancy and heartbreaks prompting the taking of his own life. A wide range of fears started to squabble inside Baldwin as time went on.He expected that a lot of enmity and outrage would bubble over, driving Baldwin down a way with no arrival. The dread of winding up another body in the Hudson River likewise started to dismay him. Be that as it may, the greater part of all: the dread of mankind losing control and basic ethics and convictions. â€Å"If all dreams of human instinct are to be doubted, and all expectations, shouldn't something be said about adoration? † (39). We will compose a custom exposition test on New Lost Generation or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Feeling surrendered by numerous individuals around him, be starts the excursion of looking for who he truly is as an individual.In a period of â€Å"terrifying individual anarchy† Baldwin must ignore his various encounters that made him who he is today. Baldwin states, â€Å"we have been brought to accept up in formulas† (39). In a world organized thusly, it is hard to endeavor. It is dependent upon you to decide your future. At last, this lead to Baldwin’s migration in France; this was a break from America’s frenzy. He specifies how it is simple for American ostracizes to live remarkably in their new embraced nation. Truth be told numerous residents are not in any case ready to tell the huge contrasts between whom is remote or not.As Baldwin thinks back on his excursion of life, he expounds on how open endorsement is a lot harder to accomplish in America than in an outside spot. It is amusing on the grounds that being American you would feel that it is more diligently to achieve this in France since he is remote, notwithstanding, it is an incredible inverse because of the seething bigotry and outrage flooding in New York alongside different pieces of America. â€Å"But uncommon surely is the American craftsman who accomplished this without first turning into a drifter, and afterward upon his arrival to his own nation, the loneliest and most blackly questioned of men.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

How Businesses Can Profit from Foreign Direct Investment

How Businesses Can Profit from Foreign Direct Investment A business will always look for new ways to profit â€" its success is dependent on how well it can attract growth and keep the profits flowing. One of the modern ways of increasing profits is conducted through foreign direct investment (FDI). What is it about and how can it provide profits to businesses?Here’s a look at the modern phenomena and the advantages businesses can enjoy when they engage with this business activity. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT â€" THE KEY THINGS TO KNOWBefore we start examining how a business can benefit from foreign direct investment, let’s take a crash course on what FDI is about.FDI DefinitionInvestopedia’s definition of FDI states the following:“An investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country”You essentially have one a company in one country investing in another company in another country. While a government of a country or an individual can technically also make the investments, the interest here is solely on how companies use FDI.The investment is a type of inward investment. The inward investments deal with external or foreign entities, with the transactions involving either investments or purchasing of goods from the external economy or business. FDI is an example of inward investment since the company is investing in a country that’s different from the company’s home country.FDI should be distinguished from portfolio investments in which the company or the investor purchases equities of foreign-based companies. It is not about gaining equity, but more about gaining control â€" the investment is aimed at either establishing operations in the country or acquiring existing assets, which provide ownership or control to the business.Since FDI deals with companies in two different countries, with differing rules and regulations, there are universal regulations that define and manage global FDI flows. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has set guidelines, which determine the ways in which FDI can take place and what counts as FDI and not a traditional portfolio investment, for example. One of the key features of the OECD guidelines is the minimum ownership control the business must have in the foreign company in order for it to count as FDI.The current guidelines state the ownership must be a minimum 10% of the ordinary shares or voting shares of the company. No netheless, the definitions together with the guidelines are flexible and companies can find themselves under de facto control â€" for example, by controlling the technology â€" even without the 10% controlling stake.The key featureThe key feature of FDI is essentially that of control. This separates it from a traditional portfolio investment. When a business makes a foreign direct investment, it establishes either effective control or substantial influence over the decision-making process of the business or the operation.This requirement for control is also what provides the structure for determining what counts as FDI and what doesn’t. As I noted above, according to the OECD definition, the business must have a 10% minimum ownership stake before its investment counts as FDI.The methods of FDISo, how does a company go about making a FDI? There are a number of different options for gaining control and investing in a company or business operation abroad. The most common methods of F DI include:Opening a subsidiary or an associate company in a foreign countryAcquiring a controlling interest in a company that already exists in the foreign countryMerging with another foreign companyStarting a joint venture with a foreign companyFurthermore, FDI can occur in three strategically different manners. The nature of the foreign direct investment can be:Horizontal â€" Horizontal investments occur when the company’s investment abroad is related directly to the same activities it conducts at home.Verticalâ€"In a vertical FDI strategy, the company uses the foreign investment as a way to add new stages of activities abroad. These can be divided into:Forward vertical FDI under which the company takes steps to become closer to the market â€" such as acquiring a distributor in the foreign country.Backward vertical FDI which means using international integration towards the acquiring of raw materials â€" such as buying a raw material plantation in a foreign company.Conglomerate â€" When the business invests in a controlling stake in an unrelated business abroad, the FDI is set to be a conglomerate type. The conglomerate FDI is uncommon, as it sees the company trying to break two barriers at once: entering both in a new country and a new industry.FDI IN ACTION â€" EXAMPLE SCENARIOSWhat does the above look in action? Let’s consider an example by examining the different scenarios outlined above through the eyes of Company A.Company A is a clothing company that operates in Italy. The company could embark on FDI by doing the following things:It can open a subsidiary company in China to enter the market. Since it is entering a foreign country in a field directly related to what it does in Italy, it’s making a horizontal FDI.However, it could also buy a controlling stake in a Chinese clothing line. If it’s purchasing another clothing company in China, its investment would still be horizontal. It doesn’t have to acquire the whole company, as long as it ha s a controlling stake and it’s part of the decision-making process. Interestingly, even if Company A doesn’t have 10% stake, the investment would be considered FDI if it provides the management or the clothing line designs for the business.On the other hand, Company A could decide to merge or simply acquire the Chinese clothing company in full. Again, you’re dealing with a horizontal FDI.If Company A wants to use a vertical FDI strategy, it could purchase a clothing retailer in China and therefore, engage in forward vertical FDI. It wouldn’t buy another clothing company, but the retailer would provide it access to the Chinese clothing market. If the company would prefer to make a backward vertical FDI, it could purchase a silk manufacturer that would provide the raw materials for its clothes.Finally, Company A could consider expanding its business operations and invest in a completely unrelated industry. It could, for instance, acquire a Chinese jewellery company and enter t he both the Chinese market and the jewellery industry at once. This would be an example of the rare conglomerate FDI.HOW TO PROFIT FROM FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTThe United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has found foreign direct investments flows have exceeded over $1 trillion. This is an impressive figure considering the global FDI stood at $14 billion in the 1970s. So, what’s the attraction? How can a company profit from foreign direct investment?Four key ways for businesses to profit from FDIA business can benefit from FDI in four distinctive ways. These are:Gaining access to new marketsThe most obvious way a business can profit from FDI is by gaining access to new markets and thus, growing the business. The benefit is rather obvious â€" as the company invests in the business or starts a new operation in a foreign country, it enters that market and expands its market reach.Increasing market access can help the business grow and expand its profit base. The gains migh t not just occur in a direct increase of market share in the specific industry, but also appear through access to distinct target customer groups.Obtaining access to resourcesA company may also benefit and boost its profits by increasing its access to resources. By investing in a foreign company, you can gain access to new technologies, resources, management skills and cooperation opportunities. All of these can help the business either save money or make more profit.While the access to resources, such as management skills, can be a rather indirect way to increase profits, other resources can provide a more direct boost, such as having the raw materials for your product at your disposal.Reducing the cost of productionRelated to the above point is the boost in profits through the reductions of production costs. If you gain access to raw materials, you can naturally manufacture your product cheaper than if you first had to buy the materials.Furthermore, vertical FDI deals with things like acquiring a production plant, which can boost profit by driving down the production costs â€" if you can make the products in your own factory, you won’t need to spend money on buying the finished product from a third-party supplier.A common example of the ability to drive down the cost of production is making FDIs in countries with lower labor costs. Countries with lower labor costs can attract companies to transfer their factories elsewhere â€" a contentious topic in the modern world.Simplifying its tax code and gaining tax benefitsCompanies can also benefit from FDI in terms of taxation and how their profits are taxed at home and abroad. How does FDI boost profit through taxation? There are a few different scenarios. The company could:Enjoy more profits from its income in the new country due to the foreign country offering a more beneficial tax code â€" either there’s less taxation in general or the rates are lower/more advantageous.Enjoy tax deduction in its home countr y from any profit it makes in a foreign country.Enjoy tax deduction simply for making a FDI â€" countries can provide companies with tax benefits if they either invest in the foreign country or home countries of companies can allow tax deductions when FDI is made.The tax benefits can be directly related to income and profits but can also be indirectly linked with these aspects of the business. For example, RD in the new country might be taxed differently and the advantage of discovering new technologies can indirectly lead to bigger profits abroad and in the parent company’s country.The above are the four main ways a company could profit from a foreign direct investment. Naturally, enjoying these benefits is not as straightforward as it may sound. Just as it’s difficult to start a business from scratch anywhere in the world, it can be difficult to replicate the success in another country or to gain a profitable market share in a country with established competition in the sector .EXAMPLES OF THE PROFITABLE BOOSTSSo, what does the above look in real life? Let’s consider Company A and the different ways it could manage to boost its profits.Company A, operating in Italy, would have a market share of 10% in the clothing sector. When it invests in the Chinese clothing company, it gains access to a new clothing market in China and gains an immediate market share of 3% in the country through the new company. In the future, it can boost its market share in both Italy and China.Company A might have also acquired a clothing factory in China. Since it doesn’t have to buy the clothes it sells in Italy from a third-party seller, it can cut production costs and increase profits. A quirky example from real life is how Apple has been able to control the cost of making an iPhone by producing them in China. The Chinese workforce only amounts to 3.6% of the costs of the iPhone, according to the Economist.The above is not just necessarily a boost in profit in terms of lowe r cost of production, but could also provide benefits in terms of access to resources, such as better sewing technology. The Chinese clothing manufacturer could have technologies in place that create durable clothing with less money and this can help increase the public interest on the clothing line â€" people will buy the t-shirts more because they stay in good condition for longer.Finally, Company A can experience a boost in profit through taxation. It can deduct part of the investment costs and gain a better tax advantage or it might direct some of its foreign profits into a country with a lower corporate tax rate.While the current tax planning strategies of major corporations are not always favorable to national economies, there’s no denying the benefits companies can enjoy by investing in foreign companies and markets. According to Fortune, America’s largest companies have around $2.5 trillion stashed in foreign ‘tax havens’; although not all of this is due to FDI.WHAT TO REMEMBER WITH FDI â€" THE RRD RULEFDI is a clear example of a strategy that can provide companies better opportunities to grow and it can help increase profits through a number of ways. However, if a business is considering a FDI investment, it has to conduct proper due diligence â€" similar to any investment type.There are plenty of things the business must take care of in terms of guaranteeing FDI success but in order to get started familiarize yourself with the so-called RRD rule. RRD stands for risks, regulations and diversification. These are three areas of focus for any company set to embark on FDI:Risks â€" Like any investment, FDI can involve plenty of risks. The crucial fact about FDI is how the company will deal with a foreign country, which adds many unique risks into the equation. The political landscape is different and when you are investing in a developing economy, the political transformation can be heightened. Things such as political conflict or sudden nationali zation are not uncommon, especially in new economies in Africa.Regulations â€" Since the company is dealing with a new country, it also has to deal with different legislation. In terms of FDI, countries can have strict rules and regulations in place and it’s important to clear these first before you even consider making a move on the country and its companies. The most obvious example of the regulatory impact is the complexity in China for joint ventures. Foreign companies can find it hard to team up with a local company and even entry to the Chinese market can be difficult, although the surrounding regulations have relaxed in recent times.Diversification â€" When embarking on FDI strategy, diversification is as beneficial as it is for any other investment types. It can be helpful to consider different strategies â€" horizontal, vertical or conglomerate â€" to ensure your company doesn’t put its eggs in a single basket. Furthermore, while entering a very different market can be problematic, vertical FDI could help provide even deeper market entry than purely following the horizontal strategy.The RRD rule can help a company focus on the right things in its evaluation of the validity of foreign direct investments. To understand the decisions behind FDI and how corporations are venturing on these investments, check out the interview with Derek Collins, director in the Bank of Ireland â€" a country that has been able to attract FDI in growing numbers in the past few decades. THE BOTTOM LINEForeign direct investments have ballooned in recent years. While there are plenty of pros and cons for this type of activity in terms of the local economies, there are valid reasons for businesses to look into it. The four major areas of profit come in the form of enhanced market access, gains in resources, reductions in production costs and favorable tax strategies.The practice can be profitable if businesses are aware of the risks and regulations surrounding the practice, and they can strategically plan how, where and when they make the investments. If they get it right, the boosts in profits will surely follow.