Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Wiccan Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wiccan Religion - Research Paper Example Some of the Basic Tenets/Principles of the Wiccan Religion Are;1. The Wiccan holidays are based on the phases of the moon and earth’s rotation. Apart from the monthly esbats, there are eight primary sabbats in the Wiccan religion.2. The environment should be taken care of and honored. As such, it is the Wiccan follower’s personal responsibility to conserve the environment and promote ecological balance since the environment is divine.3. The divine power in the Wiccan religion contains both the male and female aspects. Hence, both genders are held to be equal. Therefore, the Wiccans honor or worship both the male god and the female goddess.  4. The Wiccan religion has no central authority figure. They believe that all people/ members are sacred and can communicate with the gods. In other religions, only the priests or pastors are honored to communicate with the gods.5. Each and every person must take responsibility for his/her actions. Hence, they should readily accept the outcomes of their actions.Beliefs Concerning Life and DeathAccording to the Wicca religion, material life begins in the womb. Next, they believe that in life, they should strive to live peacefully by not intentionally causing any harm to others. What a person does in his/her life will be repaid thrice in the afterlife. This implies that they believe in karma. The Wicca religion believes that there is an afterlife after death. When a person dies, he /she transitions into a different life where he/she will be reincarnated back in different forms.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Principals of Managerial Finance in Sports Products Inc Coursework

Principals of Managerial Finance in Sports Products Inc - Coursework Example Looking at the evidence provided, an agency problem indeed exists in Sports Products Inc. Managers seem unbothered about the falling share price and only interested in increasing the profits of the firm because all managers are partially compensated on the basis of the firm’s profits. The managers of the company have also never sanctioned payment of dividends because it shrinks the profits of the company. Thus, any rise in company profits only benefits the managers of the company.  The approach of Sports Products Inc. towards pollution control is very unethical because1. The actions of the firm do not conform to accepted moral standards.2. Alternative courses of action that are less likely to cause actual or potential harm do exist and the company is not implementing them in order to save money.Incurring the expense to control pollution might be in the best interests of Sports Products Inc’s owners despite its negative effect on profits.On the basis of the evidence pr ovided in the case, the corporate governance structure seems to be totally ineffective because a corporate governance structure ensures against dishonest acts of management and provides financial incentives to the managers to maximize share price (Gitman). But at Sports Products Inc. managers are not fulfilling their duties towards shareholders. The share price has fallen by nearly $2 per share over the past 9 months and the managers are still not doing anything to concern themselves with the price of the company’s stock.